Angewandte Informatik (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Betriebswirtschaftslehre BWL (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL) (M.A. - Master of Arts)
Chemische Verfahrenstechnik (B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering)
Computer Science (M.Comp.Sc. - Master of Computer Science)
Dienstleistungsmangement (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
Elektro- und Informationstechnik (B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering)
Elektrotechnik (M.Sc. - Master of Science)
Energiewirtschaft / Energiemanagement (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Engineering Management (MBA - Master of Business Administration)
Europäische BWL (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
Finance & Banking (M.A. - Master of Arts)
Finance & Management (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Financial Management & Controlling (MBA - Master of Business Administration)
Financial Services Management (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
General Management (Master of Arts - M.A.)
General Management (MBA - Master of Business Administration)
Gesundheitsmanagement / Gesundheitsökonomie (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
Gesundheitsmanagement / Gesundheitsökonomie (M.A. - Master of Arts)
Gesundheitstechnologie-Management (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
Gesundheitstourismus (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
Health Economics (MaHE - Master of Health Economics)
Health Management (MaHM - Master of Health Management)
Informatik (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Informatik (M.Sc. - Master of Science)
Innovationsmanagement (M.Sc. - Master of Science)
International Business Communication (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
International Management (MBA - Master of Business Administration)
IT-Management (M.Sc. - Master of Science)
MBA Engineering Management (Master of Business Administration)
MBA Financial Management & Controlling (Master of Business Administration)
MBA General Management ( Master of Business Administration
Management (M.A. - Master of Arts)
Logistikmanagement (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Maschinenbau (B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering)
Mathematik (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Mathematik (M.Sc. - Master of Science)
Mechatronik (B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering)
Medieninformatik (M.Sc. - Master of Science)
Pflegemanagement Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Präventions- und Gesundheitsmanagement Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Psychologie Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Rechtswissenschaft (LL.B. - Bachelor of Laws)
Rechtswissenschaft (LL.M. - Master of Laws)
Technische Betriebswirtschaft (BWL) (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Technische Informatik (B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering)
Wirtschaftsinformatik (B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science)
Wirtschaftsinformatik (M.Sc. - Master of Science)
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering)
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (M.Eng. - Master of Engineering)
Wirtschaftspädagogik (M.A. - Master of Arts)
Wirtschaftspsychologie (B.A. - Bachelor of Arts)
Wirtschaftsrecht (LL.B. - Bachelor of Laws) informiert seit 2010 über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten eines Fernstudiums in Deutschland und stellt einige der größten Fernunis und Fernschulen sowie deren Kursangebot vor.